Many of you have already purchased our branded clothing – profits all go towards keeping our locos “in steam” – unfortunately for us, our supplier has “outgrown” our requirements and can no longer supply our needs – fortunately, we have found another company who can do so and even offer us a wider range.
We have entered an arrangement with a small company (Pixell Shack) who specialise in railway related items and will supply our branded items to order – Helen and Dave who run the company have set up an on-line shop for us which has allowed us to expand the range of clothes (and add some other items) we can offer.
The system works by simply going on to the web-site, placing the order and paying for the goods and delivery – Dinmore Manor Locomotive Ltd then receives the profit on the sale – we can set the prices to ensure we are competitive and still put something towards the locos.
Follow this link to the DINMORE MANOR ON-LINE SHOP