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14612347_10154779117856264_3019474120142739961_o    Would you like to own a metal sign like this?


Or this ?                     14556596_10154779124746264_4088811928824579320_o

Now you can!

The signs are enamelled metal so are quite substantial and measure 27.5″ x 19.5″

We have commissioned a supply of these signs which can be obtained only from ourselves – please contact dh.foster@btinternet.com  for details.  They will be very expensive to post/courier so we would prefer customers to collect either from Toddington or from one of our volunteers (we do have a wide geographical spread!)

We are offering these signs at only  £30  – we think a real bargain – if our customers agree they may like to make an additional donation to help our efforts on the theme of the signs

“Keeping the Dream Alive”